Welcome to Willington

The parish of Willington is a small village, on the side of the sandstone ridge running through the lovely Cheshire countryside.

It has a village green, a great pub - The Boot Inn, Willington Hall Hotel and restaurant, a riding school and stunning views of the Cheshire plain from all vantage points.

There are a network of footpaths around the area including the Sandstone Trail and is an excellent location for walkers and cyclists


 Brief History of Willington by  Sue Masterman

/_UserFiles/Files/Documents/A Brief History of Willington.pdf



Willington PC Casual Vacancy May 2024

Following the resignation of Rob Merrick, there is a vacancy for a Councillor on  the Parish Council. 

As no election has been called within the published 10 day period, the Parish Council will now proceed to co-opt a Councillor. Details can be found here. Please contact the Clerk or any of the Councillors by 30th June 2024  if you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor.

Dates for your diary

Saturday 27th July 2024 - 'official' opening of the 'new' red phone box at 10:30 by Aphra Brandreth MP. Please come along to say thank you to all those who made it happen.

October 13th October 2024 - Countryfile ramble for BBC Children in Need.


Council Meetings

The next scheduled Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 30th July 2024 at Willington Hall.  All meetings start at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meetings; a 15 minute slot is available at the beginning of each meeting for the public to raise any issues or concerns.